Cost of Turnover Tool

How much does worker churn cost your business? A large and growing body of research shows that turnover is a significant expense to firms. But how do you calculate this cost, and what do you do with what you learn? Putting a…

Public comments for New CRA Guidelines due March 9, 2020

The March 9 deadline is fast approaching for members of the public to submit comments to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) regarding proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)…

CDVCA 18th Peer Group Meeting

The 18th Peer Group meeting has been confirmed for April 1 – 3, 2020 in San Juan Puerto Rico. This is a closed-group meeting of fund managers. Please email for further information

CDFI Fund Releases Summary Report on NMTC Program

The CDFI Fund recently released its summary report on the NMTC Program, providing an analysis of all reported NMTC investment activity and including breakdowns by sector, geography, and investment type (real estate vs. non-real estate; rural vs. metro areas). Of the…